In order to select the appropriate companies for your Personal Value portfolio Responsible Returns applies the following process:
Excluding Sensitive Business Segments
You choose 18 sensitive business segments (e.g. weapons manufacturers, animal testing or nuclear power) to be part of your portfolio, or not. Based upon your selections we ensure that no companies from unwanted business segments enter your investment portfolio.
Excluding Companies with Controversies
Controversies are defined as topics for which companies are criticized by the media or the general public. Examples for this are financing of environmentally harming infrastructure projects, poor working conditions at suppliers or exposure of illegal business practices. Based on the type, duration and the handling of it, each controversy is assessed on how severe it is. We do not invest for you into companies with severe controversies on your behalf.
Excluding companies with high Carbon Emissions
Stocks of emission intensive companies are excluded from portfolios. From the remaining stocks we only allow stocks from companies into your portfolio which have significantly lower carbon emissions compared to other companies in the same industry segment.
Following your Ethical Compass
You define what is important for you within the areas of environment, social and governance (Personal Value) or which emission groups you are targeting to decrease (Carbon Value). Hereupon we select companies for your portfolio which get the best sustainability-ratings respectively those that have the lowest emissions in the areas that are especially important for you.
Further Criteria
Besides sustainability we also take care that your portfolio contains a broad mix of companies and has a balanced positioning with regards to particular countries and industry groups. Should you wish to do so we can also implement additional, more tailored criteria. Please contact us in this regard.
Where do we get our information from?
For selecting stocks of appropriate companies, we are using the information and assessment over 150 global analysts of our partner MSCI ESG Research, who are constantly analysing companies for their sustainability.
In order to check activities in sensitive business areas, to record and assess controversies, assign sustainability ratings and collect data (e.g. carbon emission) our partner uses among others the following sources:
- Corporate documents
- Government data
- Popular, trade, and academic journals
- News media
- Relevant organisations and professionals
Have we got your interest?
What is sustainable in your opinion? And how would a respective investment portfolio look like? Find out with our products.
Personal Value – For World Improvers
You invest climate neutrally with environmental and socially responsible equity while promoting sustainably friendly companies.
Start Value – For Curious Improvers
You invest with environmental and socially responsible equity funds and become a sustainable investor.