As a wealth manager, we help you to invest for a better world.
By investing into global, environmental and socially responsible equity in the long-term, you decrease your carbon footprint and promote a more sustainable economy. The more people that invest sustainably, the more motivated companies become to have a positive impact on the environment and society in order to be more attractive to investors. Every time a company acts more sustainably because of this, our world benefits and becomes a little bit better.
Our goal is to generate a plus for you and the world. Simply ethical investing. Neither sacrificing returns nor compromising on ethics. This is Responsible Returns. According to academic studies (see below) both are possible to achieve.
Our Investment Process
Find out how we know which companies are acting sustainably and which are not. Learn how we ensure that only appropriate and responsible companies are included in your portfolio.
Climate Neutral
How do we make your portfolio climate neutral? How do we know which companies are climate friendly?
To do this we have developed the following products:
Personal Value – For World Improvers
You invest with environmental and socially responsible equity while promoting sustainably friendly companies.
Start Value – For Curious Improvers
You invest with environmental and socially responsible equity funds and become a sustainable investor.
All products are also available as savings plans.
Supporting Local Initiatives
We provide 5% of our revenue to support local projects projects in Switzerland which campaign for environmental and social causes. Your investment allows you to choose which projects we support.
Return and Sustainability
The following study shows that return and sustainability can be achieved at the same time. 42 academic studies have been conducted to determing whether sustainable investments perform better, or worse, compared to their equivalent “non-sustainably focussed” investments.
The meta-study “The Performance of Socially Responsible Investment” (by Emma Sjöström, Stockholm School of Economics, 2015) shows that out of 42 studies done in academia, ten studies report that sustainable investments outperform conventional investments, 14 conclude that sustainable and conventional investment products show similar performance. Five studies find that sustainable investments generate inferior performance relative to their conventional peers. Finally, 13 studies report mixed results.